Patient centered medical conference about ACC

Join Saturday January 28th for a patient centered medical conference about adrenal cortical cancer. Doctors and patients unite to educate and empower others on this one in a million diagnosis. We have collaborated with experts in their respective fields to provide the most current information on ACC

Global Workshop on Access to Rare Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

This virtual workshop focuses on how different stakeholders contribute to improving access to RD treatment and diagnosis. By Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders (C.O.R.D.) Program : Opening Remarks - 7:00 PM - 7:05 PM Welcome Speech -  7:05 PM - 7:10 PM Current Headwinds in Reimbursement of Cell/Gene Therapy Drugs - 7:10 PM -...

Nebennierenkarzinom in Würzburg

Oberdürrbacher Str. 6 · Haus A1/A2 97080 Würzburg Oberdürrbacher Str. 6, Würzburg, Germany

Samstag, 13. April 2024 · 10.00 – 16.00 Uhr Hörsaal ZOM · Zentrum Operative Medizin Oberdürrbacher Str. 6 · Haus A1/A2 97080 Würzburg   Sprechen Sie mit Marc von Let’s Cure ACC vor Ort.

European Hormone Day

"European Hormone Day brings together the endocrine community to promote endocrine health – Because Hormones Matter. Many people have an idea of what hormones are, but do not really know what hormones do or how individuals can improve their endocrine health. For that reason, European Hormone...