Le Conseil Scientifique

Let's Cure ACC présente son conseil scientifique

Let’s Cure ACC est guidé par un éminent Conseil scientifique composé d’experts de premier plan dans le soin et la recherche du corticosurrénalome. Il joue un rôle crucial en fournissant des conseils d’experts,  assurant ainsi que notre organisation reste à la pointe des avancées médicales et soutient notre mission de servir la communauté mondiale des patients souffrant d’un cancer de la glande surrénale. Bien qu’ils ne soient pas directement accessibles aux patients, ces experts médicaux collaborent étroitement avec notre conseil d’administration pour offrir des perspectives stratégiques, examiner les initiatives en cours et renforcer nos liens avec le monde médical. Leur implication renforce notre portée internationale et notre engagement en faveur de pratiques de soins de santé éthiques et efficaces.

Alfredo Berruti
Kaitlin J. Basham, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Oncological Sciences, University of Utah Investigator, Huntsman Cancer Institute
Alfredo Berruti Oncologia Medica Università degli Studi di Brescia Dipartimento di Specialità Medico-Chirurgiche, Scienze Radiologiche e Sanità Pubblica Azienda Ospedaliera Spedali Civili
Tobias Else, MD Associate Professor Dept. of Internal Medicine, MEND Chief Division of Genetic Medicine (interim) Program Director MEND Fellowship Program Comprehensive Clinical Care Center for von Hippel-Lindau Disease & Center of Excellence – Pheochromocytoma-Paraganglioma Alliance Endocrine Oncology Clinic/Cancer Genetics Clinic
Pr Martin Fassnacht Chair Department of Endocrinology - University Hospital Würzburg (Germany)
Martin Fassnacht, Chair Dept. of Endocrinology, University Hospital Würzburg, Germany
Gary D. Hammer, M.D., Ph.D. Millie Schembechler Professor of Adrenal Cancer Director – Endocrine Oncology Program University of Michigan Founding Director A5 (American Australian Asian Adrenal Alliance) Past President – Endocrine Society
Electron Kebebew, MD, FACS, FCS (ECSA) Professor of Surgery Chief, Division of General Surgery Harry A. Oberhelman Jr. and Mark L. Welton Professor Stanford University
Associate Professor & endocrinologist University of Colorado School of Medicine Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes
Raul C. Ribeiro, MD Department of Oncology St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Dr Cristina L. Ronchi (UK/endocrinologist) Associate Professor in Endocrine Oncology and Honorary Consultant Endocrinologist
Massimo Terzolo Full Professor of Internal Medicine Head of Division of Internal Medicine Director of Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences San Luigi Hospital, Orbassano University of Turin